Keeping Children safe is a responsibility we all share. Children thrive when they are well looked after and cared for. As a school we have a statutory obligation to keep children safe and this is set out very clearly in the legal documents you will find on this page. Whenever we have a ‘concern’, we will make contact with you. We are not judging you but just checking that things are OK. Sometimes if the concern requires specialist support we will contact the Childrens Help Desk for advice or to make them aware that some specific help is required.
If you have any concerns about a child please contact our designated safeguarding leads at school-Mrs Scutt, Mrs Swallow and Mrs James 01451 830784
Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Stubbs and Mrs Bartlett are also DSL trained.
Mrs Magson, Mrs Swallow and Dr Neill are our Safeguarding Governors
The Safeguarding Team

Please click on any of the links below where you should find all relevant information.
Child on Child Abuse: NSPCC Dedicated new helpline number 0800 136 663
This is a new dedicated number for those who have suffered sexual abuse or harassment in education settings