Parent Support & Early Help
In Gloucestershire, we believe that families are best supported by practitioners who are already working with them, as well as other organisations and services within their local community. These organisations include health services, schools, learning providers, councils, charities and voluntary groups, children and family centres, the police, housing providers and many others. Children, young people and families with additional needs will be supported through the use of the Graduated Pathway of Early Help and Support.
Early Help Co-ordinators provide support for practitioners who are working with children and families to meet their needs through the Graduated Pathway. Community Social Workers work with organisations to provide a social work perspective on families they are supporting. This supports practitioners to ensure families receive the right level of support and act as a link between Children’s Social Care and the community. Early Help Partnership Managers support partnership work between organisations in communities to support the development of resources available to children and families. They attend District Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to make sure there is a focus on Early Help for vulnerable families alongside wider community safety concerns.
We are very fortunate to have our own team of parent support advisors employed across The North Cotswolds Primary Schools to support parents and families. Our Parent Support Advisor is Liz Hamilton and she is available on or by phone 01451 830784 . She is highly approachable, confidential and able to help and support on a range of parenting issues, financial matters affecting families and can offer a range of other practical support and strategies. She is also able to refer families in confidence to other more specialist help as required including mental health services, transgender support and crisis management.

We have our own on site Community and family Hub run by an independent group of committed trustees offering activities and support for our families.
We aim to create a vibrant hub where children and families can come to play learn and develop a sense of belonging and involvement in their community. The hub is able to support families to become autonomous and promote a sense of wellbeing, by facilitating needs led initiatives within our community. The hub hopes to improve mental health outcomes whilst addressing deprivation and isolation of all age groups within the community. The hub is to empower community members by building confidence, resilience, employability and self esteem, through relevant training and volunteering opportunities.

Mrs Swallow is our Pupil Premium Champion, championing the cause of all chidlren especially more vulnerable members of the community, and has oversight of day to day attendance. She also has oversight of all those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding and as School Governor has insight into how funds are utilised to support families.
Our Education Welfare Officer is Mr David Peake from the Cotswold School. He is available two days a week to support school to work in partnership with our children and families to ensure that all children attend school each day . He is available through the school office . Attendance at school is also supported by Mrs Alison Swallow who is our school Governor with responsibility for attendance.