Mrs Rebecca Scutt BEd (Hons) First Class, MEd, NPQH
Mrs Rebecca Scutt is the Headteacher of the school and has been teaching in Gloucestershire for over 30 years. She has been the Headteacher of the school for nearly 20 years and is fully committed to its development as the hub of the community, looking for new ways to further enhance the education of the children.
Mrs Scutt is available to chat to parents about their children, or about prospective admissions or any concerns or questions you may have about the school. She has four school aged children of her own and a wealth of experience. She also welcomes any suggestions or feedback from members of the school community in order to strengthen partnerships and further develop the provision for the children and their families.
If you would like to chat to Mrs Scutt or make an appointment to see her then please ring 01451 830784 at any time in office hours or if you prefer she can be contacted direct via email on head@stow-on-the-wold.gloucs.sch.uk as she picks up her emails all the time.
It can be daunting to speak to a teacher, so if you feel you would prefer to chat to a parent support advisor first please contact the school office to speak to Mrs Liz Hamilton, our PSA, or contact her direct on CAF@stow-on-the-wold.gloucs.sch.uk