Mrs Scutt our Headteacher is also our SENCO with nearly 20 years experience co-ordinating specialist provision at the school, liaising with internal staff, external consultants and parents regarding additional support for your children. Her role is overseeing informal provision and offering advice and signposting but also offering more formal support through the Gloucestershire Graduated Pathway – developing implementing and reviewing agreed My Plans, My Plan Plus and EHCP plans.
The school has very experienced staff members who have specialist training in a number of areas such as Autism Awareness, ADHD and Dyslexia and are proficient in delivering specialist intervention programmes and giving in class support to ensure that your child’s needs are met within the classroom.
We have excellent relationships with local dyslexia specialist teacher, our Educational Psychologist and the team of Local Authority Advisory teaching staff who offer support on a wide range of needs ranging from hearing and vision loss, eating disorders, through to communication and interaction needs, cognition and learning needs, and social and emotional needs. We liaise with specialist services such as CAHMS – Chid and Adolescent Mental Health Services and our local GPs to support you and your child. We also offer local supprt and help through our Parent Support Advisor and strong links with Stow Community Hub to faciliate onsite nurture provision for those with anxiety, attachment or other emotionally based health needs.
If you have any concerns regarding your child or feel that they may have additional learning needs or require additional support then please contact Mrs Scutt for an initial discussion in the first instance .