Meet the Staff
The Staff
We are a very happy and lively staff team, all focused on achieving the same shared vision for the education of the children at Stow-on-the-Wold Primary School. We work well as a team and believe that every staff member has an equal role to play in supporting children to achieve their very best at school. Teachers and teaching partners work closely with the Head/SENCo to plan a rich and memorable curriculum through which children can learn more, remember more and can do more with each passing day. Every staff member has an area of responsibility within our wider curriculum and we all work together to support each other in developing the different subjects, knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning. We liaise very closely with our parents/carers in order develop effective partnership working. We also work closely with other primary schools in the area to enhance the curriculum and develop wider competitive opportunities for the children, including our catchment secondary schools. We employ a specialist Modern Foreign Languages teacher, PE coaches and teachers, along with peripatetic Music teachers.
We are very well supported in school by our amazing administrator, dedicated team of school cleaners, our friendly and knowledgeable cooks and our caring midday supervisors, as well as working closely with colleagues at Stow Community and Family Hub. We employ a parent support advisor Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton who is freely available to help families with confidential advice and practical support. We are also very well supported by our fabulous parents, dedicated PTFA and wider community members who offer us help in so many ways and we work closely with local charities, voluntary groups and the churches in our area to enhance provision.

Mrs Rebecca Scutt
Headteacher SENCO Maths Subject Lead, GSCB sub committe member, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Subject Lead for RE

Mrs Alison James
Senior Teacher, Class teacher in KS1, English Subject Lead, Art, Phonics, County Writing Moderator for KS1, Deputy DSL, School Governor

Mrs Lisa Clough
Lead teacher for Early Years Class teacher in EYFS and KS1 Science Subject Lead, Phonics Lead, Lead teacher for Modern Foreign Langauages

Mrs Clare Stubbs
School Administrator, Chair of PTFA and Clerk to Governors, DSL

Mrs Lucy Salter
Class teacher in KS1 Subject Lead for PSHCE and RSE and Mental Health Champion, Healthy Schools Champion

Mrs Hannah Lewis
Class teacher in KS2, Geography and PE Subject Lead, Joint Maths Subject Lead

Mrs Rebecca Pearce
Class teacher in KS2, Music and Design Technology Subject Lead, Joint Maths Subject Lead

Mr Craig Allen
Class teacher in KS1, History and Computing Subject Lead

Miss Eleanor Pudifoot
Class teacher in KS2

Mrs Susan Heath
Teaching Partner in KS1 and Early Years MDSA

Mrs Sonja Pulham
Teaching Partner in KS2 and SEND Teaching Assistant

Mrs Alison Swallow
Higher Level Teaching Assistant , Pupil Premium Champion, DSL and School Governor

Mrs Natasha Nicholson
Teaching Partner in KS2

Mrs Hayley Townsend
PE Teacher and Sports Coach

Mrs Lorraine Buckley

Mrs Edna Akerman

Mrs Joyce Barber

Ms Annabel White
Breakfast Club Leader

Mrs Carry Anne Catley
Caretaker and Cleaner in Charge

Mrs Hannah Taylor
Cook for Caterlink

Mrs Becky King
General assistant in the kitchens for Caterlink

Mrs Becky Ferry
Nursery Manager

Miss Charlene Harris
Classroom assistant in TYPHOONS (Reception)

Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton
Parent Support Advisor for the North Cotswold Primary Schools