Mrs James
Mrs James is our Senior Teacher and English Lead Teacher. She teaches in Class Two and is also a School Governor. She has additional responsibility for Early Reading and Initial Teacher Training. She is also a Local Authority Writing Moderator.
Mrs Salter
Mrs Salter is our Lead teacher for PSHCE , RSE, Healthy Schools and Mental Well being. She is also Subject Leader for Art and Design. She teaches in Class One and Class Two and is a qualified Forest School Leader
Miss Heath
Miss Heath is a qualified Teaching Assistant and she is a teaching Partner in Class Two all week supporting phonics interventions and small groups. She is extremely creative and artistic.
Mr Allen
Mr Allen is a class teacher in Javelins Mon-Weds and is responsible for History and geography across the school. He is a keen runner.

For more details about our class and curriculum please visit CLASS TWO TRELLO PAGE on Weduc APP