Community Links
Our school is at the heart of our community. We encourage our children to take part in community activities and to give back to their town. They are encouraged to be part of the rich tapestry of events and occasions throughout the year in our Cotswold Market Town and to feel that they are valued as important members of the community. We teach them to give to others without receiving back . Examples of our community involvement are shown below.
Visit from The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire

Poetry at the Library in Stow

Visit from our new local PC and PCSO

Taking part in a local gym competition at our secondary school The Cotswold School Academy

Harvest Festival at St Edwards Church in Stow
Our children are encouraged to collect tins and packets for The North Cotswolds Food bank at Harvest time and to give money to our chosen charity which changes each year

Stow Christmas Tree Festival
We take part in the annual Christmas Tree festival and make wonderful trees for the church

Reading in Church
We are not a church school but we like to be active and take part in services as required

Stow British Legion Links
Our school is one of only a few schools affiliated to The British Legion and we are proud to bear our Standard each year

Community Singing
We enjoy singing in the Square at Remembrance Time and we read the names of the fallen in church

Christmas Carols
We like to sing at the Stow Town light switch on and our children are invited to turn on the tree lights for the whole town

Bonfire Night
We always make the Guy for Bonfire Night in Stow and our PTFA have a stall to raise money for our school. We are proud to light the fireworks at the town annual fireworks event . Our design of firework has been chosen to start the event off each year

The Local Police
We have some amazing local police who help us in so many ways. Here we are with our friends from the Mounted Police who visits us on Stow Horse Fair day

We like to carve and paint pumpkins and send pictures to our friends in Edward Stow care Home

Befriendling the Elderly
We like to sing and play games with our friends at Edward Stow and look forward to this again when COVID is over

Going to the Library
We enjoy using our local library for stories and new books

Sponsored activities
We like to help our nursery with their Toddle Waddle and we walk miles to raise money each year

Christmas Shoe Boxes
We like to build a big wall of Christmas shoe boxes for children who live in Easter Europe, this year we sent over 100. Our teacher Mrs Salter helps in the warehouse

Easter Tea
We like to make Easter tea for our elderly friends and entertain them with Bingo and singing

Dogs Trust
We love being with our friend Nettle from the Dogs Trust . We like to read to her and sometimes she falls asleep listening to us!

Young Voices
We get involved in national events such as Young Voices

Gloucestershire Dance
We get involved in county wide events such as Gloucestershire Dance Festival

We have provided artwork for local exhibitions and recently three of our pictures were published in a Stow Book called The Christmas Tree Town

Stow Town Council
Our school council meet with the Town Council to share views and suggestions . The Mayor and the Town Clerk are regular visitors to our school and they always visit the school council.
Environmental care

We work hard to make sure we help the environment and have been awarded our Green Blue Peter badges in several classes for our eco approach to .
Here are links to some of our many partners who work with us to support the children’s learning and wider opportunities.